Wall Preparation

Ensure that the wall is dry and free from cement lumps, dust, and grease. A rough surface is preferable.

Marking Mark
Ensure the desired final thickness using marking and laser guidance.

Combining Ingredients
Put together GL Bond with clean water in a 2:1 ratio, stir until the mixture perfectly.

GL Bond Application
Apply GL Bond and mix it with water before applying it to the wall

Ensuring the Correct Number of Dots
Ensure the number of Dots is accurate, provide 30 cm both vertically and horizontally

Gypsum Board Installation

  • Ensure the gypsum board is installed evenly.
  • A distance of 10 mm from the floor by providing proper anchoring.

pt yoshino indonesia

jakarta office

Wisma Keiai, Lt. 21
Jl. Jend.Sudirman Kav. 3 Karet Tengsin
Tanah Abang
Jakarta Pusat


+62 21 5790 5802

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