Samuel Suryana Putera Sr. Sales & Marketing Project Manager
I have been working in gypsum industry since 2003. I have strong desire to join a part in Yoshino and was realized in 2016 because I’m sure Yoshino Gypsum has the best quality at the moment. Having experience in working for a well-known brand makes me think that working in Yoshino Gypsum is an exceptional challenge. It is to promote a product that I know it has good quality but has not been recognized by many people. To me, starting again from scratch is the best chance to grow with the company. Introducing Yoshino Gypsum’s quality and convincing project customer across Indonesia was a difficult task to do, but everything was paid off when they agreed to use Yoshino Gypsum. What a priceless moment!.

Lucas Adithiya | Sales Marketing East Java
PT Yoshino Indonesia is a company which engages in gypsum board manufacturing industry and produces the best quality product with Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). Also, this company has innovated new products that hasn’t been discovered by other brand such as Yoshino HI-Clean Board. To me, the best and the most exciting experience that I have ever had is to hold a customer gathering in some of the cities in East Java and outside Java Island.

Rudi Harianto | Sales Marketing Sumatera
PT Yoshino Indonesia has various products that are not owned by other gypsum brand. The products are also environmentally friendly and tested with several health aspects. I’ve got lots of experiences. Some of them are meeting colleagues who are full of enthusiasm while keeping prioritizing the importance of cooperation in order to achieve togetherness and mutual progress. Also, they gave me chance to learn more about how to grow, inspire and making strategies to increase sales of Yoshino Gypsum’s products.

Budi Hapsari Eviestiti | Sales Marketing Central Java
Yoshino Gypsum’s product has not only the best quality, but also has numerous variations that can be used as needed. Also, Yoshino Gypsum’s product is equipped with full-system of ceiling and wall cladding installation. Being certified by Green Label, ISO and TKDN is a proof that Yoshino Gypsum is concerned about the safety and comfort of its users. While working at PT Yoshino Indonesia, I got the opportunity to develop myself and increasing skills in sales and public relations. I often meet new people, make presentation, explain Yoshino Gypsum’s product knowledge, conduct surveys and discuss about product positioning as well as feedback from customers, and so on.

Hadi Sucandra | Jabodetabek Sales Retail
Yoshino Gypsum is a product with many variant that is not owned by other gypsum products and the quality is tested and best gypsum in the world. I understood that Yoshino Gypsum is better gypsum products with the best quality also competitive prices, and of course made me motivated to dominate the gypsum market with Yoshino Gypsum’s products. Working at PT Yoshino Indonesia, I had a lot of the opportunity to get to know more about the world of building materials.

Muhammad Romadhon | Sales Marketing Surabaya
Yoshino gypsum is one of the products that is able to provide the best quality. Some variants with special specifications, namely the Yoshino Board Regular variant, are also had a special advantages compared to other brands, namely containing moldew resistance. The best experience I was being able to be part of the big family of PT Yoshino Indonesia as well as adding new knowledge of marketing sales in the world especially for building material.

Mokhamad Feri Ferdian | Sales Retail West Java
PT Yoshino Indonesia has only recently been in Indonesia. Yoshino has been growing until now and also Yoshino Gypsum’s products have the best quality because they are supervised and produced according to Japanese standards. I feel I’m the lucky person because I got the chance to strive together to grow the company. I’ve got several experiences such as often visiting new places that has to be done with different approaches. To me, it was not only an interesting experience but also challenging.

Rony Sanderson Situngkir | Sales Project
In my opinion, Yoshino Gypsum products have a good quality and advantages that other brands of gypsum boards do not have (moldew resistant) so it seems to me the prices and the quality of Yoshino Gypsum’sboards are very worth it. I got the opportunity to work in a Japanese company (PT Yoshino Indonesia) where the work ethic was very good and it was good for me.
The best experience I had working at PT. Yoshino Indonesia is during the Indobuildtech 2022 exhibition event, where the management and staff work well together from preparing goodie bags containing brochures and samples to guarding the booth.
The best experience I had working at PT. Yoshino Indonesia was during the Indobuildtech 2022 exhibition event, where the management and staff worked well together from preparing goodie bags that contained brochures and samples to looking after the booth.

Febrina Erwandari | Technical Advisor
Yoshino Gypsum’s products have quite a lot of advantages and uniqueness points in their class, and are supported by competitive prices. I am very happy to working at PT Yoshino Indonesia because all of the teams are equally willing to learn and help each other. Also, the working atmosphere is not rigid. There are many opportunities to learn because I was the only team member who has a specific job. So, I have big opportunity to learn and also to be able to contribute to the growth of Yoshino Gypsum’s company.

Arif Wibisono | Adm. Sr. Manager
Berbagai pengalaman yang saya dapatkan selama di PT Yoshino Indonesia adalah dapat berkontribusi secara penuh dari awal berdirinya perusahaan ini sampai dapat beroperasi secara optimal dan terus menerus melakukan perbaikan (Continuous Improvement) untuk meningatkan kualitas dan produktifitas serta dapat berkesempatan berkontribusi terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan Pemerintah, Perusahaan dan Pelanggan, seperti Integrasi Sistem Manajemen (ISO) 90001: 2015, 14001:2015, 45001:2018, Pemenuhan standar Green Label Singapore, Pemenuhan TKDN dan BMP, Pemenuhan SNI, JIS dan lain nya.

Yola Vicki | Warehouse and Logistic Staff
I am so happy and comfortable working at PT Yoshino Indonesia because the working environment is conducive, employee and supervisor’s relationship is as close as family, and every time there is a problem, the advisors (Japanese expatriate) will gladly guide us to find the solution together. Those are what motivated me to give my best to this company. In addition to that, I have the opportunity to contribute in complying with ISO 9001; OHSAS 18001 ; and ISO 14001. PT Yoshino Indonesia committed to prioritize safety, quality, environmental control, and systematic.

Dede Siswanto | Production Staff
PT Yoshino Indonesia berdiri pada tahun 2013 yang merupakan cabang dari perusahaan manufaktur gipsum di Jepang bernama Yoshino Gypsum CO,.LTD. Perusahaan ini menomor satukan kualitas dan selalu melakukan inovasi demi terciptanya hunian yang aman dan nyaman dengan produk-produk yang berkualitas dan mampu bersaing di pasaran Indonesia. Saya sangat senang bekerja di perusahaan ini karena saya mendapatkan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan yaitu saat mendapatkan kesempatan untuk training di Jepang (Yoshino Gypsum CO.LTD, Tokyo), serta tak hanya itu, saya mendapatkan kesempatan berkarir dengan jenjang karir yang lebih baik di PT Yoshino Indonesia.

Cahya Lina Fatmasari | HRGA Staff
PT Yoshino Indonesia has experience in producing gypsum board for more than 120 years. We offer high-quality products for the customers. I am so happy working at PT Yoshino Indonesia because I got lots of experiences such as contributing in recruitment process at PT Yoshino Indonesia and also, I’ve got the chance to comply with company legality, achieving ISO and comply with Domestic Component Level (TKDN).

Ignatuius Arya Damar | Sales Sulawesi & Bali Area
Yoshino Gypsum products have excellent quality, innovative products, and function according to the installation location and customer needs. One of the best experiences I had when working at Yoshino Gypsum was discussing with people related to construction or pioneers of development such as distributors, stores, architects, contractors, and applicators. I also interacted directly through gathering visits and seminars.

Hendrico Timotius | Technical Advisor
Yoshino Gypsum is a young brand in Indonesia but arguably has the best quality in the market. With commitment, technology, and proven Japanese quality, Yoshino Gypsum has proven to grow rapidly in the gypsum board industry in Indonesia. My best experience is working directly with a Japanese boss with a very friendly culture and respect for employees, and always open to taking the time to discuss

Arif Iwan Sofian | Sales Retail
Yoshino Gypsum products are the best quality products by adjusting the climate in Indonesia and are safe for health, especially for adults and children. The best experience I got was when the prospective buyers agreed to use the Yoshino Gypsum products that I had informed during the gathering or seminars.

pt yoshino indonesia
jakarta office
Wisma Keiai, Lt. 21
Jl. Jend.Sudirman Kav. 3 Karet Tengsin
Tanah Abang
Jakarta Pusat

+62 21 5790 5802